Saturday, December 18, 2010

Exchanging Of Rings Wording 3

few ideas around with Parmesan Alba Pezon

Saturday morning I spent two hours in the kitchen of Alba Pezon where I discovered four ideas - 2 courses, 2 desserts - to use the Parmesan.

Recognizable by its marking Parmigiano Reggiano "printed directly on the birth of the wheel, plus the month and year of production of casein and a plate on which there is a unique identification code . This makes it possible to identify and draw the wheel.

When you buy, be sure that the wheel is not open for too long, the cheese would be harder. If you obtain the vacuum, remember that once opened, you have 3 weeks to enjoy it. Afterwards, the flavors are less dense and cheese will also be cured.

In flat.
For fans of sweet and sour dish, the lasagna Pears and Parmesan 24 months refining will seduce them. Provide very thin sheets of lasagne, pears (like conferences) that take place for cooking. Place in oven at 150 ° C for 30 minutes. It's ready!

You amaze your friends by making a risotto with red wine from Burgundy (replacing the stock). Freshly grated Parmesan cheese - 30 months refining - are sprinkled at the end of cooking.

for dessert.
If I had not known I have not found that pannacotta contained Parmesan 18 months refining . Freshly grated, it is integrated with the cream and bring to a simmer with a touch of sugar. Basically glass jars, Alba had filed a spoonful of jelly and berries before serving, a few drops of good balsamic vinegar. An amazing mix!

With these grissinis trimmed orange marmalade and a little Parmesan 18 months refining freshly grated, you amaze many. Just make a bread dough (for extra crunch, use semolina flour), spread the dough and sprinkle with half of marmalade and cheese. Fold in half, cutting sticks and roll them to stretch. Bake 15 minutes in a mad preheated to 230 ° C and then decreased to 200 ° C. Tasted once it has warmed, they are soft. Two hours later they will be drier. See for yourself as you prefer.


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